Saturday, June 28, 2008


I expect you came here to find out either more about me, more about the things I make, or just more things I've made. One day, I will set up a gallery, perhaps even an Etsy store, for the things I've made that aren't in the store; today is not that day. One day, I will write a beautiful, full, rich, amazing artist's biography for myself. Today isn't that day either. One day, too, I will write a report of all the materials I use, where I get them, and why I love them. I will write about my methods, where I learned my crafts, my influences, my plans, my dreams, my other interests, and all that sort of thing.

Today is not, as you may have guessed, that day.

Today, I have only a few things to say:

1. I am so glad that you came here. I really am. Thank you very, very much for expressing any kind of interest. I've been making things since I was in elementary school, and, as in the cliche, I never dreamed that I would one day sell something made by my own hands! It really is exciting and I hope that you continue to buy handmade and local for many years.

2. In addition to making brand-new things (somethimes out of old materials) I can aso do some jewelry repair. In fact I quite enjoy it. I can't do anything involving soldering or epoxy or things like that, simply because I don't have the space, materials or training. However, if your pearls have slipped off their strand, your pendant has broken its bail, or your chain has come apart, send it to me and I'll send it back better than new. Pricing is based as a custom order would be; if it's one of my pieces that broke, I'm sorry! I will fix that free of charge.

3. I do take custom orders for jewelry and woven pieces. I do NOT take custom orders for knitted pieces, unless they are very small (i.e. if they take less than an hour to make). I do not take custom orders for more than two identical pieces. Custom pieces are priced differently from my normal, self-designed pieces. I plan to charge once for time, and again for materials, and once more for my design, if you do not design your piece. This is instead of simply twice my time which is what I do normally. A custom order would be done with all-new, freshly bought materials, unless you request otherwise.

I have a feeling that most businesses would not let you in on their pricing scheme. I disagree with this; I feel that you deserve to know exactly what the thing you are buying is worth and what you're actually paying for when you buy it. I think this will help you make better decisions about whether to buy my handmade, and hopefully you will think about what you are really paying for when you buy other things in other places as well.

4. I live with two smokers and a cat. If you are allergic to cats or cigarette smoke, I hope you didn't buy anything of mine. If you are allergic to wool or to Kool-Aid, I hope you did not buy anything made of wool and dyed with Kool-Aid. If you are allergic to acrylic, hemp or metal, ditto, ditto and ditto. All fabrics are washed prior to being sent to the store, but no process is perfect, and you should be safe, not sorry.

Again, thank you for your interest! And keep shopping!

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